The rehabilitation and addition to the Old Lighthouse Museum dating to 1840 for the Stonington Historical Society includes reconceiving of the site and the visitor’s experience in the landscape. The lighthouse sits at the entrance to the harbor of Stonington, Connecticut’s only port facing on the Atlantic. A new addition which creates a new visitor’s entrance and gift shop is to be constructed at the rear of the building, preserving the historic facade of the structure. New paths, plantings, an open terrace area and site walls present the historic face of the building and choreograph a procession to the new entrance to the museum. Stone treads set within the lawn, gently bring people down to the perennial gardens and open lawn area overlooking the ocean. The landscape extends to the roof top of the new addition in the creation of an extensive green roof which will help with storm water retention, and cooling of the building in the hot summer months.

Porject by G2 Collaborative with Oudens Ello Architects